Thursday, December 29, 2011

Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

Download Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

To download Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, please select a language from one of the lists below.
Please note that version 11 is only available in Russian, English, German and French. For other available languages, please use version 10.

Monday, December 26, 2011


About SoundCloud

SoundCloud is the world’s leading social sound platform where anyone can create sounds and share them everywhere.
Recording and uploading sounds to SoundCloud lets people easily share them privately with their friends or publicly to blogs, sites and social networks.
It takes just a click to share sounds to Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Foursquare.
SoundCloud can be accessed anywhere using the official iPhone and Android apps, as well as hundreds of creation and sharing apps built on the SoundCloud platform.
For more about what SoundCloud can do, visit our tour page.
Don't have a free account yet?



Welcome to the homepage of FileZilla, the free FTP solution. Both a client and a server are available. FileZilla is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License
Support is available through our forums, the wiki and the bug and feature request trackers.
In addition, you will find documentation on how to compile FileZilla and nightly builds for multiple platforms in the development section.

Quick download links

Pick the client if you want to transfer files. Get the server if you want to make files available for others.

News Atom feed icon

2011-11-08 - FileZilla Client 3.5.2 released

Bugfixes and minor changes:

  • Updated translations

2011-11-01 - FileZilla Client 3.5.2-rc1 released

New features:

  • Added option to open site manager on startup to the settings dialog

Bugfixes and minor changes:

  • The "Don't save passwords" option was not being saved
  • The queue was not saved correctly if having items from multiple servers
  • Queue items with the lowest priority setting are now being restored again
  • Drag & Drop did not work with all saved sites if saving of passwords had been disabled

2011-10-23 - FileZilla Server 0.9.40 released

Bugfixes and minor changes:

  • The service no longer crashes if onnecting with the administration interface when there are clients connected over IPv6
  • Close the connection if there is additional data in the input buffers when processing the AUTH command.
  • Display correct connection state item in administration interface when getting initial list of connected clients

2010-01-02 - Subversion repository moved

The address of the subversion repository has changed.

Windows8 vendrá con antivirus incorporado

La ambición de Bill Gates no parece tener limites, al menos la demostración ya es un hecho. Quisiera entender que Bill Gates no tiene ahora otra cosa que hacer para ganarse la confianza del publico con windows8 que intentar reparar sus propios errores del pasado. Retrocediendo hasta los primeros comienzos de Windows; en concreto de 3.X, 3.11, y Windows95, la seguridad siempre ha sido nula en sus productos. Desde que se creo la primera versión de Windows Bill Gates nunca se molesto en integrar algo tan simple como un antivirus y un cortafuegos; quizá porque estaba mas interesado en ganar dinero a manos llenas y la cuestión de la "responsabilidad de la seguridad" y que ocurriera con el Pc del usuario, eso aparentemente no era asunto suyo. Haciendo una comparación; es como si los fabricantes de coches, fabricaran coches sin importarles la seguridad de sus usuarios, y después de años de accidentes y víctimas, tuvieran una revelación de que la venta de sus productos tiene mucha mas aceptación si se promueve la seguridad.

Microsoft un elefante en una cacharrería de la seguridad

Volviendo a Windows8, a Microsoft parece haberle ocurrido algo parecido. Ha sido una ocurrencia repentina pero en realidad  viene como consecuencia de años de lloverle millones  de criticas sobre la evidente "inseguridad" de windows; por lo que finalmente se ha visto forzado primero a integrar un cortafuegos en XP y en versiones superiores, y ahora parece que también quiere integrar un Antivirus. Sin embargo ¿Cual es origen de todos estos cambios? ¿Porque solo en las ultimas décadas Microsoft toma consciencia de la seguridad para sus sistemas operativos de usuario, y ha decidido integrar un cortafuegos y recientemente un antivirus?. Básicamente todo se resume en la idea de que en un comienzo Microsoft solo tenia como objetivo vender unidades de su producto a destajo; le importo muy poco lo que ocurriera con su sistema operativo y la situación de desprotección e inseguridad en que dejaba al usuario, y por tanto, dejo un enorme hueco de inseguridad que rápidamente cubrieron otras empresas como karpesky, panda, AVG y otras marcas en materia de antivirus que han sido pioneras en esos mercados dando seguridad. Son estas empresas las que han hecho el trabajo duro  de proteger Windows y no el propio fabricante de Windows. El lector debería de ser mas perspicaz con estos detalles y no sobrevalorar tanto a Microsoft, Bill Gates, y Windows.

El problema de integrar un antivirus en Windows8 se podría parabolizar con ese proverbio que dice: "Siempre hay quien agita el árbol y otros se llevan las nueces".  El asunto de fabricar Windows8 con un antivirus no es mala idea; todo lo contrario, es una mejora para la seguridad. Es la ley de Kawling: "Cualquier otra cosa siempre es mejor". Pero en realidad es una iniciativa que viene con décadas de retraso y durante todo ese periodo han ocurrido muchas cosas en el mercado del software de seguridad; ya que Microsoft  lo dejo en un estado de libre albedrío, sin preocuparse por asegurar su sistema operativo. Ahora, casi de forma ocurrente y algo fuera de lugar, Microsoft descubre que Windows8 debería tener un antivirus de fabrica porque  espera vender mas unidades de su Windows8 en comparación con Windows7, ¡Que casualmente no tiene antivirus! ¿No le parece al lector que esta reacción no convence ni al mas aficionado?. 

El anuncio de que el sistema Windows8 vendrá con un antivirus incorporado no es mas que otra demostración de que Microsoft no tiene inconveniente en entrometerse en un terreno del que nunca se ha preocupado. Para Microsoft irrumpir en un mercado que ahora que ya esta perfectamente establecido es muy fácil, y hacer negocios con la seguridad después de que otros ya han trabajado duro para inventar y crear sus soluciones y productos de seguridad, tapando todos los agujeros de "inseguridad" que dejo Bill Gates desde versiones anteriores de Windows es todo ventajas. Sí señor, es muy fácil mirar las ideas que ya están hechas y funcionando y crear a partir de ahí, porque básicamente es a lo que esta acostumbrado Bill Gates, a digamos "inspirarse en el trabajo ajeno" y crear a partir de lo ya construido pero sin hacer nunca nada desde cero; porque si en algo es un maestro Microsoft, es en el arte de la imitación.

 ¿Quién gana y quién pierde con esta Pseudo Seguridad?
En todo argumento siempre hay dos lados, y esto supone que alguien en un extremo gana, pero en el punto opuesto también alguien pierde. La empresa antivirus Sophos, comento que esta medida afectará directamente a las compañías que se enfocan la venta de seguridad a consumidores que usan Windows. Por otro lado aquí se plantean cuestiones que casi traspasan la propia idea de la seguridad. ¿Se puede confiar en los cortafuegos y antivirus que fabrique Microsoft, sabiendo que le gusta tener control sobre cada Windows que vende al usuario? ¿Como saber que las medidas de seguridad que integra Microsoft en Windows8 realmente protegen al usuario y no tienen otros propósitos? ¿Como saber si tu windows8 no sera vulnerable a ataques cuando interese a Microsoft?. Se que los planteamientos expuestos quizá rozan un poco la conspiranoia informática, pero con Windows nos jugamos la seguridad, y el lector debe siempre estar vigilando lo que hace la mano izquierda, con el ojo derecho bien abierto, porque de Microsoft nadie se puede fiar. De momento, y a falta de mas datos, yo sigo recomendando el uso de un cortafuegos y un antivirus de algún buen fabricante como Karpesky, AVG, Panda, Sophos, etc, ect, ya que se puede presuponer que están mas interesados en promover la seguridad de lo que realmente ha estado Microsoft durante décadas atrás. 
Información de

Monday, November 28, 2011

Open Wrt

What is OpenWrt?

OpenWrt is described as a Linux distribution for embedded devices.

Instead of trying to create a single, static firmware, OpenWrt provides a fully writable filesystem with package management. This frees you from the application selection and configuration provided by the vendor and allows you to customize the device through the use of packages to suit any application. For developer, OpenWrt is the framework to build an application without having to build a complete firmware around it; for users this means the ability for full customization, to use the device in ways never envisioned.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Apple -IOS 5 New Features

iOS 5 includes more than 200 new features for your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch.

Here's a quick look at a few of our favorites. Watch the video

Notification Center








PC Free

More features Notification Center

All your alerts. All in one place.

You get all kinds of notifications on your iOS device: new email, texts, friend requests, and more. With Notification Center, you can keep track of them all in one convenient location. Just swipe down from the top of any screen to enter Notification Center. Choose which notifications you want to see. Even see a stock ticker and the current weather. New notifications appear briefly at the top of your screen, without interrupting what you’re doing. And the Lock screen displays notifications so you can act on them with just a swipe. Notification Center is the best way to stay on top of your life’s breaking news.

No more interruptions

Notifications appear at the top of your screen and disappear quickly.

One-swipe access

Swipe down to reveal Notification Center.

See more at a glance

View stocks and weather, too.

Overview Lock Screen Notifications Back to top iMessage

iPad and iPod touch join the conversation.

With iMessage, we’ve created a new messaging service for all iOS 5 users. You can send unlimited text messages via Wi-Fi or 3G from your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch to anyone with one of those devices. iMessage is built into the Messages app, so you can send text, photos, videos, locations, and contacts. Keep everyone in the loop with group messaging. Track your messages with delivery receipts and optional read receipts, see when someone’s typing, and enjoy secure encryption for text messages. Even start a conversation on one of your iOS devices and pick up where you left off on another.

Send more than text

Send photos, videos, contacts, or locations.

See when they’re typing

Ellipsis points appear when someone’s responding.

Start here, finish there

Begin a conversation on one iOS device and pick it up on another.

Back to top Newsstand

A custom newsstand for all your subscriptions.

Read all about it. All in one place. iOS 5 organizes your magazine and newspaper app subscriptions in Newsstand: a folder that lets you access your favorite publications quickly and easily. There’s also a new place on the App Store just for newspaper and magazine subscriptions. And you can get to it straight from Newsstand. New purchases go directly to your Newsstand folder. Then, as new issues become available, Newsstand automatically updates them in the background — complete with the latest covers. It’s kind of like having the paper delivered to your front door. Only better.

All the news

Newsstand keeps your subscriptions in one place.

Read the latest

Alerts tell you when new issues arrive.

Shop for more

Tap to shop the App Store for new subscriptions.

Newsstand Folder Shop for Subscriptions Back to top Reminders

A better way to do to-dos.

Next time you think to yourself, “Don’t forget to...,” just pull out your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch and jot it down. Reminders lets you organize your life in to-do lists — complete with due dates and locations. Say you need to remember to pick up milk during your next grocery trip. Since Reminders can be location based, you’ll get an alert as soon as you pull into the supermarket parking lot. Reminders also works with iCal, Outlook, and iCloud, so changes you make update automatically on all your devices and calendars.

See what’s next

View reminders by date.

Make a list

Reminders appear in a clean, ordered list.

List Views Location Reminders Back to top Twitter

Integrated right into iOS 5.

iOS 5 makes it even easier to tweet from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Sign in once in Settings, and suddenly you can tweet directly from Safari, Photos, Camera, YouTube, or Maps. Want to mention or @reply to a friend? Contacts applies your friends’ Twitter usernames and profile pictures. So you can start typing a name and iOS 5 does the rest. You can even add a location to any tweet, no matter which app you’re tweeting from.

Single sign-on

Sign in once and tweet as you go.

Tweet from your apps

Twitter is integrated systemwide.

Add a location

Say where you’re tweeting from.

Overview Tweeting a Photo App Integration Back to top Camera

Capture the moment at a moment’s notice.

Since your iPhone is always with you, it’s often the best way to capture those unexpected moments. That’s why you’ll love the new camera features in iOS 5. You can open the Camera app right from the Lock screen. Use grid lines, pinch-to-zoom gestures, and single-tap focus and exposure locks to compose a picture on the fly. Then press the volume-up button to snap your photo in the nick of time. If you have Photo Stream enabled in iCloud, your photos automatically download to all your other devices.

Access from Lock screen

Open the Camera app with one tap.

Shutter button

Press the volume-up button to take a picture.

Quick Access Composition Back to top Photos

Enhanced photo enhancements.

Turn your snapshots into frame-worthy photos in just a few taps. Crop, rotate, enhance, and remove red-eye without leaving the Photos app. Even organize your photos in albums — right on your device. With iCloud, you can push new photos to all your iOS devices. So if you’re taking photos on your iPhone, iCloud automatically sends copies to your iPad, where you can quickly touch them up before showing them off.

Edit onscreen

Tap to enhance your photo or remove red-eye.

Crop and rotate

Adjust your photos with ease.

Edit and Crop Auto-Enhance Remove Red-Eye Back to top Safari

Even better site-seeing.

iOS 5 brings even more web-browsing features to iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Safari Reader displays web articles sans ads or clutter so you can read without distractions. Reading List lets you save interesting articles to peruse later, while iCloud keeps your list updated across all your devices. On iPad, tabbed browsing helps you keep track of multiple web pages and switch between them with ease. And iOS 5 improves Safari performance on all your iOS devices.

Reading List

Tap to save a page to read later.

Tabbed browsing

Move between sites using tabs on iPad.


Tap to read articles without clutter.

Overview Reader Reading List Back to top PC Free

Independence for all iOS devices.

With iOS 5, you no longer need a computer to own an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. Activate and set up your device wirelessly, right out of the box. Download free iOS software updates directly on your device. Do more with your apps — like editing your photos or adding new email folders — on your device, without the need for a Mac or PC. And back up and restore your device automatically using iCloud.

Back to top Mail

Your inbox is about to receive some great new features. Format text using bold, italic, or underlined fonts. Create indents in the text of your message. Drag to rearrange names in address fields. Flag important messages. Even add and delete mailbox folders on the fly. If you’re looking for a specific email, you can now search in the body of messages. And with iCloud, you get a free email account that stays up to date on all your devices.

CalendarGet more perspective on your schedule with year view on iPad and week view on iPhone and iPod touch. Tap to create an event and drag to adjust the time and duration. Add, rename, and delete calendars directly from your device. And view event attachments without leaving the Calendar app. iCloud lets you share calendars with friends and family, and it keeps your events in sync on all your devices.

Back to top Game CenteriOS is the world’s most popular gaming platform. With iOS 5, you can get your game face on with even more Game Center features. Post a profile picture. Meet your match with new friend recommendations based on the games you play and the players you already know. Discover new games without leaving Game Center. And size up an opponent on the spot with new overall achievement scores.1

Wi-Fi SyncWirelessly sync your iOS device to your Mac or PC over a shared Wi-Fi connection. Every time you connect your iOS device to a power source (say, overnight for charging), it automatically syncs and backs up any new content to iTunes. So you always have your movies, TV shows, home videos, and photo albums everywhere you want them.

Back to top Multitasking Gestures for iPad 2iOS 5 includes a few new moves and shortcuts to help you get around even quicker on your iPad 2: Using four or five fingers, swipe up to reveal the multitasking bar, pinch to return to the Home screen, and swipe left or right to switch between apps.

AirPlay MirroringWow your audience in the board room, classroom, or living room. AirPlay now supports video mirroring. Which means you can wirelessly — and securely — stream whatever’s on your iPad 2 or iPhone 4S to your HDTV via Apple TV. Everyone in the room sees exactly what’s on your iPad or iPhone display up on the big screen — even when you rotate your device from portrait to landscape or zoom in and out.2


iOS 5 comes with innovative new features that make it easier for people with mobility, hearing, vision, and cognitive disabilities to get the most from their iOS devices. iOS 5 works with specialized hardware accessories. The LED flash and custom vibration settings let you see and feel when someone’s calling. And improvements to VoiceOver include custom element labeling. These are just a few of the ways iOS 5 continues making advances in the field of accessibility. Learn more about iOS 5 and accessibility

iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
iPod touch 3rd generation
iPod touch 4th generation
iPad 2

iOS 5 is compatible with:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Google Music

About Google Music.

Discover, buy and share music, wherever you want, whenever you want.


Find music you love. Check out Android Market for staff-picked rising artists and great bands from your favorite genres. Meanwhile, Google Music works seamlessly with Android Market to offer personalized recommendations based on what you listen to most. And when you're not shopping for new music, rediscover your own library by creating an Instant Mix.


Buy now, listen now, sync never. There are hundreds of free songs and millions more to buy on Android Market. The music you choose is automatically stored in your Google Music library and instantly ready to play or download. Learn More


Access your Google Music library anywhere and anytime - no syncing, no wires. Stream music instantly on the web and listen on your Android phone or tablet with the Google Music app. Not online? No problem. Just save your favorites to your mobile device for offline playback. Learn More


Keep all your music in one place. Anything you get from Android Market is automatically stored in your Google Music library and you can add up to 20,000 of your own songs -- all for free. With your music saved online, you have even more space for all the other things you love. Learn More


Sharing is caring. For songs purchased from Android Market, you can share a listen with your friends on Google+.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4

Tool to allow capturing and protocol analysis of network traffic.

Quick details

Version: 3.4 2350 Date Published: 6/24/2010
Language: English
KB Articles: KB933741

Files in this download

The links in this section correspond to files available for this download. Download the files appropriate for you.
File Name Size
NM34_ia64.exe 8.0 MB Download
NM34_x64.exe 6.0 MB Download
NM34_x86.exe 6.0 MB Download


Network Monitor 3.4 is a protocol analyzer. It allows you to capture network traffic, view and analyze it. Version 3.4 is an update and replaces Network Monitor 3.3. Network Monitor 3.x is a complete overhaul of the previous Network Monitor 2.x version.
Top of pageTop of page

System requirements

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 x64 Edition, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems, Windows Vista 64-bit Editions Service Pack 1, Windows Vista Service Pack 1, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows XP Service Pack 3

  • 1 GHz or greater CPU
  • 1 GB or greater memory
  • 60 MB free hard disk space plus extra room for capture files
Top of pageTop of page


The Network Monitor core engine has been decoupled from the parser set. To install the full Network Monitor 3.4 product:
  • Run the setup.exe for the platform you are installing.
  • You will be prompted first to install the core engine. Follow the installationdirections. Make sure you close existing instances of netmon.exe, nmcap.exeand any running NMAPI applications.
  • Next you will be prompted to install the parser package. Follow theinstallation directions:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Precise Pangolín sera el nuevo nombre de Ubuntu 12.04

Muchos usuarios sufren cada vez más por conseguir la nueva versión de Windows7, encontrar el crack y evitar que Microsoft no detecte que están trabajando con una versión pirata. Es posible que con la versión de Windows8 los usuarios sigan sufriendo de forma innecesaria cuando tienen como alternativa gratuita la versión 11 de Ubuntu y también no tardando mucho la próxima versión 12 de Linux Ubuntu. En esta ocasión traigo noticias interesantes a los seguidores de ubuntu.

Mark Shuttleworth el responsable de Ubuntu Linux, la distribución Linux mas popular del momento ha anunciado la siguiente versión de Ubuntu. Por supuesto es la versión aún por comenzar a desarrollar. El nombre sera Ubuntu 12.04 LTS "Precise Pangolín”.

Al  margen de que el Pangolín sea uno de los mamíferos mas resistentes al ataque de los leones, Shuttleworth hace con ello una insinuación indirecta a sus competidores; Windows, Mac, y Unix. El Pangolín es un animal cuyo cuerpo está recubierto de duras escamas. Según Shuttleworth “sus escamas son una maravilla del diseño de la naturaleza".

Las características de la nueva versión de Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, (diseño y dureza) precisamente serán las que contendrá Ubuntu aparte de contar con el soporte a ARM y x86 de forma indistinta, tecnologías de Cloud Computing y Unity que según Shuttleworth será “una interfaz elegante que funcionará bien con clientes tanto ligeros como pesados“.

En fin, habrá que estar atentos a las novedades de Ubuntu, ya que se esta convirtiendo en una alternativa gratis contra pagar por Windows8 que solo te trae problemas.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Introducing the new and improved Ubuntu Ubuntu 11.10 is here!

Download Ubuntu

You can download Ubuntu online, completely free.

Ways to get Ubuntu: Do you want to upgrade?

  • Download and install ›

    You can download Ubuntu onto your computer today - all you need is a CD or USB stick. You can even choose to replace your current operating system, whether it’s Windows or Mac OS, or run Ubuntu alongside it.
  • Try it from a CD or USB stick ›

    You can download Ubuntu onto a CD or USB stick and run it from there. If you like it, you can replace your current operating system or run Ubuntu alongside it. If you’re planning a larger deployment, you can buy Ubuntu on CD from the Canonical shop.
  • Run it with Windows ›

    If you’ve got Windows, you can run Ubuntu within your current system with the Windows installer (Wubi). That way, you can install and uninstall Ubuntu in the same way as any other Windows application. It's simple and safe.

Ways to get Ubuntu Server:

  • Download and install ›

    You can download Ubuntu today - all you need is a CD or USB stick. If you’re planning a larger deployment, you can buy Ubuntu Server on CD from the Canonical shop.
  • Try it online ›

    You can give Ubuntu a test-run before you download it. But remember, for a full and super-fast experience, you’ll need to download it for real.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pandora News

Pandora anuncia rediseño y música ilimitada gratis

Viernes, Septiembre 23, 2011

El miércoles, el servicio de radio en la web Pandora puso en marcha un nuevo look y anunció el regreso de la música gratuita e ilimitada para todos.

Algunos de los nuevos

• Quitaron el top de 40 horas de música libre. Ahora la gente puede escuchar música todo lo que desee de forma gratuita.

• “Mejora” auto-completar las opciones y sugerencias personalizadas diseñadas para hacer “nuevas estaciones y descubrir nueva música o comedia más intuitiva y personal.”

• “Mejora” perfiles de escucha y un avance de la nueva música, donde los oyentes pueden “encontrar, como y hacer comentarios sobre lo que los amigos y oyentes de ideas afines están descubriendo y disfrutando de Pandora.” También hay un nuevo botón “Compartir” y la estación tienen su propia URL para que pueda enviar sus estaciones de amigos y familiares a través de sitios de medios sociales con mayor facilidad. Pandora pondrá en marcha el alimento sociales nuevos en los próximos días.

• La reproducción, pausa, Pulgar hacia arriba y pulgares hacia abajo iconos son hoy mucho mayores. También hay una característica nueva que permite mezclar a los oyentes a cualquier colección aleatoria de las estaciones.

El resultado visual de los cambios es un sitio más pulido, moderno y fácil de usar. Mashable señala que el sitio también es más sensible porque está basado en HTML 5 y Flash no como las iteraciones anteriores

Informacion original de:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Windows 8

Windows Developer Preview downloadsThe Windows Developer Preview is a pre-beta version of Windows 8 for developers. These downloads include prerelease software that may change without notice. The software is provided as is, and you bear the risk of using it. It may not be stable, operate correctly or work the way the final version of the software will. It should not be used in a production environment. The features and functionality in the prerelease software may not appear in the final version. Some product features and functionality may require advanced or additional hardware, or installation of other software.

Windows Developer Preview with developer tools English, 64-bit (x64)DOWNLOAD (4.8 GB)

Sha 1 hash - 6FE9352FB59F6D0789AF35D1001BD4E4E81E42AF

All of the following come on a disk image file (.iso). See below for installation instructions.

64-bit Windows Developer Preview

Windows SDK for Metro style apps

Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Express for Windows Developer Preview

Microsoft Expression Blend 5 Developer Preview

28 Metro style apps including the BUILD Conference app

Windows Developer Preview English, 64-bit (x64)DOWNLOAD (3.6 GB)

Sha 1 hash – 79DBF235FD49F5C1C8F8C04E24BDE6E1D04DA1E9

Includes a disk image file (.iso) to install the Windows Developer Preview and Metro style apps on a 64-bit PC.

Windows Developer Preview English, 32-bit (x86)DOWNLOAD (2.8 GB)

Sha 1 hash - 4E0698BBABE01ED27582C9FC16AD21C4422913CC

Includes a disk image file (.iso) to install the Windows Developer Preview and Metro style apps on a 32-bit PC.

Live SDKThe Live SDK provides a set of controls and APIs that enable applications to integrate Single Sign On (SSO) with Windows Live ID and access information from SkyDrive, Hotmail and Windows Live Messenger. To learn more, sign up for our technical preview.

System RequirementsWindows Developer Preview works great on the same hardware that powers Windows Vista and Windows 7:

1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor

1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)

16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)

DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

Taking advantage of touch input requires a screen that supports multi-touch

To run Metro style Apps, you need a screen resolution of 1024 X 768 or greater


Saturday, September 10, 2011


Why to use BitlLord
  • Comment System

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  • BitLord is OPEN SOURCE

    BitLord is free Open Source software similar to FireFox, meaning we will never spy on you because you can check our code and even help make BitLord better!
  • Channels / RSS

    Follow your favorite torrents by adding rss feeds from torrent sites to BitLord. It helps you to avoid having to look for files, they are served directly to you.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Auto Shutdown

Auto Shutdown helps you to schedule Windows shut down and define global keyboard shortcuts for different shut down actions (i.e. turn off, restart, log off, stand by & hibernate).
Different types of time scheduling is supported in Auto Shutdown. You can schedule Windows to turn off at a specific time and date, at specific times on specific week days, after a specific period of time from now, or at a specific time after system reboot.


  • Auto Shutdown is open-source, and does NOT install any Ad ware or Spyware.
  • Auto Shutdown lets you define different types of time schedules.
  • Auto Shutdown lets you define different keyboard shortcuts for different type of shut down actions.
  • Auto Shutdown works with all versions of Windows (i.e. Windows 98 up to Windows Vista).


  • In Windows 2000, XP, and Vista you need to have proper administrative permission to shutdown Windows.


  • 1.1.0(53) : (2010/11/28)
    • Some minor bugs are fixed.
  • 1.1.0(50) : (2010/04/25)
    • Added customizable warning timeout.
    • Added taskbar progress bar for warning message in Windows 7.
  • 1.0.0(46) : (2010/04/02)
    • Bug in weekly scheduler is fixed (See Liza’s comment below).
    • Some minor GUI updates, and bug fixes are done.
  • 1.0.0(42) : (2009/12/01)
    • GUI is updated.
    • Some minor bugs are fixed.
  • 0.8.8(23) : (2009/10/29)
    • Vista & Windows 7 support is added.
    • If Hibernate or Stand by are not available, a balloon hint will be shown instead of an interrupting dialog box.
  • 0.8.7(15) : (2007/01/07)

System Requirements:

  • Windows 9x, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7.
  • 1 MB free space on hard disk.
  • Consumes about 5 MB of system memory.

Video Tutorial:

Auto Shutdown Video Tutorial done by


Creative Commons License
Auto Shutdown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.


Monday, July 25, 2011

VideoCacheView 1.95

After watching a video in a Web site, you may want to save the video file into your local disk for playing it offline in the future. If the video file is stored in your browser's cache, this utility can help you to extract the video file from the cache and save it for watching it in the future.
It automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all video files that are currently stored in it. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play flv files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

DVD Shrink

DVD Shrink is a versatile freeware tool for fitting a DVD-Video disc on a single DVDR disc.

DVD Shrink is capable of both re-authoring and re-encoding the movie. It features an intuitive user interface which makes it easy to choose what to keep, and what to lose.

DVD Shrinks allow the user to select compression level for each video track separately to obtain the desired disc size (which is usually below 4.38GB). The software is capable of producing either an ISO image of the ripped DVD, or a VIDEO_TS folder for further processing, viewing or burning.

We recommend you read our fully instructional guide: How to copy DVDs with DVD Shrink!


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Move Mouse

Will move and click the mouse cursor

The Move Mouse application was developed to be a small, simple, easy to use application, that will move and click the mouse cursor.

I developed this when I occasionally used to work from home at my last company. I accessed my email and other applications via Citrix, which used to automatically disconnect me after 15 minutes of inactivity. It's very easy to get distracted at home (kids, lunch, etc) for more than 15 minutes, and so reconnecting was very frustrating.

This little application enabled me to keep my session alive whilst I was away from my computer.

Every 30 seconds, the mouse cursor will trace the outline of the Move Mouse application, and then send a left mouse click to wherever the mouse was last positioned. Please make sure you position the mouse cursor over something that will not react to a left mouse click!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011



Microsoft® Windows® User State Migration Tool (USMT) version 3.0.1 migrates user files and settings during deployments of Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Vista. You can use USMT to perform unattended migrations and to migrate files and settings for computers with multiple users. Also, with USMT you have the ability to encrypt and compress the store. USMT 3.0.1 is intended for administrators who are performing automated deployments.

This tool includes two command-line tools named ScanState and LoadState. ScanState creates an intermediate store that contains the user files and settings from the source computer. LoadState restores these files and settings to the destination computer. USMT 3.0.1 also has three default migration rule (.xml) files named MigApp.xml, MigUser.xml, and MigSys.xml. You can alter the default .xml files and you can also create customized .xml files. Depending on what you want to migrate, you can specify all or none of the default .xml files on the command line. The entire migration process is controlled by the .xml rules, which you can modify, and logic that is built into the tool. When using USMT for automated migration, in almost all cases, you should modify the migration .xml files for your unique situation.

USMT 3.0.1 contains the following updates to USMT 3.0:

1.You can now install this tool on computers that are running non-English versions of Windows Vista.

2.In USMT 3.0, some settings for local accounts were not being migrated. This has been fixed in USMT 3.0.1.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Los 5 mejores Apps para encontrar tu celular Android

Hemos invertido mucho dinero en nuestros smartphones y tabletas con Android. Un día vamos llegamos a nuestras casas y nos damos cuenta que hemos olvidado en algún lugar nuestro Android. PARA DE SUFRIR!!!. Aquí les traigo las 5 mejores aplicaciones Android para encontrar un teléfono perdido o robado . Les recomiendo que instale una de estas aplicaciones tan pronto compre o tenga a la mano su celular, osea, inmediatamente. Cada una tiene su propio enlance para que las puedas descargar ahora mismo del Android Market, y por supuesto, usted puede leer las recomendaciones a fondo de las aplicaciones para obtener más información acerca de cada aplicación.

Wheres My Droid (gratuito, Dona $ 1,00) le permite enviar por mensaje de texto comandos especiales para para hacer que baje o suba el volumen, aunque tenga el tiembre bajo, vibración o silencio. Por separado, se puede establecer una palabra de la atención para que el teléfono envíe de vuelta de localización GPS para localizarlo.

SeekDroid ($ 0,99) sólo está disponible para Android 2.2 (Froyo) y superior, que es la mayoría de los dispositivos con Android. Sin embargo, SeekDroid ofrece un montón de características para ayudarle a rastrear un teléfono extraviado o robado. Puede acceder a una página web para localizar el dispositivo a través de GPS, sistema de alarmas en el teléfono, bloquearlo o incluso el borrado remoto del teléfono o la tarjeta SD!. Este como funciona incluso si un ladrón de swaps de la tarjeta SIM.

Prey Anti-Theft (Gratis) permite realizar un seguimiento de la ubicación GPS de su teléfono o tableta mediante el envío de un mensaje de texto. Hacer un seguimiento a través de la interfaz web, bloqueo remoto del dispositivo, además de que tienen el software para las computadoras portátiles de seguimiento. Esta aplicación también funciona si el robo de un cambio “swap” de la tarjeta SIM.

Aunque Lookout Mobile Security (Gratis, $ 2.99/ al mes para Premium) es famoso por ser un anti-virus, ofrece algunas características muy ingeniosas reubicación … . Lookout Mobile Security se produjo en el número dos en la lista porque es un elemento esencial todo-en-una aplicación que ayuda a proteger contra malware, navegación segura por Internet, los dispositivos perdidos o robados.
McAfee WaveSecure (7 días de prueba gratis, $ 19.90/al año) encabeza la lista como la mejor aplicación de localización si el teléfono se pierde es robado. Al igual que muchas de las mencionadas aplicaciones de McAfee WaveSecure permite realizar seguimiento a través de GPS, vía mensaje de texto, el bloqueo remoto o limpiar su teléfono, y funciona si la tarjeta SIM si se cambia.Permite obtener el historial de llamadas de un ladrón, incluso si el cambio de tarjeta SIM de su teléfono.

Informacion DE

Saturday, July 2, 2011


BleachBit quickly frees disk space and tirelessly guards your privacy. Free cache, delete cookies, clear Internet history, shred temporary files, delete logs, and discard junk you didn't know was there. Designed for Linux and Windows systems, it wipes clean 90 applications including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Adobe Flash, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari,and more. Beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and vacuuming Firefox to make it faster. Better than free, BleachBit is open source.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Hombrew Channel

The Homebrew Channel

The Homebrew Channel is a channel for launching Wii homebrew applications. It will list homebrew applications stored and organised on an SD card or USB mass storage device in a nice little GUI, which you can very easily customise with descriptions and shiny little icons all by yourself. You can also launch applications via TCP (with a correctly configured PC) or a USBGecko. Both of those built in options make it extremely convenient for testing out new code, as well as a general purpose homebrew launcher.

WBFS Manager

Project Description
This application basically provides a GUI for working with hard disk drives that have been formatted to the WBFS file system.


  • Listing of games with titles, sizes and codes.
  • Drag-and-drop support for adding multiple files at once to the WBFS drive.
  • Easy to use interface which also reports available, total and used disk space at a glance.
  • Batch processing of multiple ISOs.
  • Rename discs on the WBFS drive.
  • Multilingual support
    • French, courtesy of TheCrach
    • Italian and Perugino, courtesty of cerocca
    • German, courtesy of BarbaxX
    • Spanish, courtesy of dgtor
    • Dutch, courtesy of villadelfia
    • Chinese (Traditional), courtesy of IvanChen
  • Homebrew Channel entry creation
  • Indirect Drive-To-Drive transferring and cloning
  • Automatic RAR archive extraction
  • Batch extraction and deletion
  • Exporting list of games on drive to a .CSV
  • Ability to use more than one cover directory
  • Channel Creation (NEW)

Monday, June 6, 2011


SugarSync's online backup, file sync, and sharing service makes it easy to stay connected. With SugarSync you get secure cloud storage for all your files — documents, music, photos, and videos. Connect with our community and learn how other customers are using SugarSync in their work and personal lives.


Friday, June 3, 2011


The simple, secure way to manage and share content

Box helps more than 50,000 businesses around the world manage content, share files and collaborate with others quickly, easily and securely. We can help you too.


About DD-WRT

DD-WRT is a Linux based alternative OpenSource firmware suitable for a great variety of WLAN routers and embedded systems. The main emphasis lies on providing the easiest possible handling while at the same time supporting a great number of functionalities within the framework of the respective hardware platform used.
The graphical user interface is logically structured, and it is operated via a standard Web browser, so even non-technicians can configure the system in only a few simple steps.
Apart from the simple handling, speed and stability are also in the focus of our development work. Compared to the software preinstalled on many WLAN routers, DD-WRT allows a reliable operation with a clearly larger functionality that also fulfills the demands of professional deployment.
The huge user community gives support to DD-WRT developers and the users themselves in various ways. Thanks to this, potential flaws in the system can be detected very quickly and can thus be corrected without delay. DD-WRT users can find help and suggestions from other users in the user forums, and the Wiki containing further information and how-to guides is being expanded and maintained by the DD-WRT community as well.
For devices mainly used for private purposes, DD-WRT is freely available. Platforms used for commercial purposes require a paid license. Compared to the freely available version, the professional version also allows for configuration of the WLAN parameters, thus opening up the opportunity of creating e.g. reliable and powerful network infrastructures. Special demands can be fulfilled by specifically tailored versions of DD-WRT.
Main characteristics:
  • supports more than 200 different devices
  • comprehensive functionality
  • supports all current WLAN standards (802.11a/b/g/n*)
  • supports outdoor deployment*
  • supports enhanced frequencies *
  • VPN integration
  • supports various Hotspot systems
  • bandwidth management
  • multilingual user interface
*appropriate WLAN hardware required
DD-WRT is:
  • Sebastian Gottschall (BrainSlayer, founder, maindeveloper)
  • Christian Scheele (Chris, CEO)
  • Peter Steinhäuser (CEO)
  • Felix Fietkau (nbd/openwrt, madwifi)
  • Ankush Malhotra (Maksat)
  • Ales Majdic (Eko, Developer)
  • Sylvain Bothorel (Botho, router webdesign)
  • Elke Scheele (Online Shop)
  • Markus Quint (support)
... and a lot of supporters around the world

Monday, May 16, 2011

You Tube HD Downloader

Youtube Downloader HD is a free tool to download videos from YouTube and save it to your local computer. The videos can be converted to avi video format or to mp4 (compatible with iPod, iPhone).
The main distinguishing feature of Youtube Downloader HD is that now you can download High Quality videos, High Definition and Full HD videos from YouTube.
New version 2.5 is available 
What's new in latest version:

  1. The bug "unable to download YouTube video" was fixed!
  2. The bug with non-latin characters was fixed!
  3. Convert to AVI and MP4 video formats
  4. New video resolutions available for downloading
  5. The bug with video formats is fixed!
Youtube Downloader HD is a completely FREE Software. It contains absolutely NO ADWARE, NO SPYWARE, NO REGISTRATION, NO POPUPS, NO MALWARE or other unwanted software.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Advance IP Scanner

Advanced IP Scanner 2.0 (Free Network Scanning Tool)

Advanced IP Scanner is a free, fast and easy-to-use network scanner for Windows. In a matter of seconds, this utility finds all the computers on your network and provides easy access to their various resources, whether HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or shared folders. With Advanced IP Scanner, you can wake up and shut down remote groups of Windows machines. If you use Radmin remote access software, you will also enjoy the improved Radmin Server detection and integration capabilities, which allow you to connect to any scanned machine with Radmin Server.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


BackTrack Linux

Welcome to, home of the highest rated and acclaimed Linux security distribution to date. BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking. Regardless if you’re making BackTrack your primary operating system, booting from a LiveDVD, or using your favorite thumbdrive, the pentesting distribution has been customized down to every package, kernel configuration, script and patch solely for the purpose of the penetration tester.
BT4 R2 Released!

BackTrack is intended for all audiences from the most savvy security professionals to early newcomers to the information security field. BackTrack promotes a quick and easy way to find and update the largest database of security tools collection to-date. Our community of users range from skilled penetration testers in the information security field, government entities, information technology, security enthusiasts, and individuals new to the security community.
Feedback from all industries and skill levels allows us to truly develop a solution that is tailored towards everyone and far exceeds anything ever developed both commercially and freely available. The project is funded by Offensive Security.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


UNetbootin - Homepage and Downloads

Packages: Ubuntu Debian Fedora Suse Arch Gentoo More


UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. You can either let UNetbootin download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list.


  • Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, or Linux, or Mac OS X 10.5+. Note that resulting USB drives are bootable only on PCs (not on Macs).
  • Internet access for downloading a distro to install, or a pre-downloaded ISO file


UNetbootin can create a bootable Live USB drive, or it can make a "frugal install" on your local hard disk if you don't have a USB drive. It loads distributions either by downloading a ISO (CD image) files for you, or by using an ISO file you've already downloaded.

The current version has built-in support for automatically downloading and loading the following distributions, though installing other distributions is also supported:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


What is Webmin?

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more. Webmin removes the need to manually edit Unix configuration files like /etc/passwd, and lets you manage a system from the console or remotely. See the standard modules page for a list of all the functions built into Webmin, or check out the screenshots.

Latest News

The Dedicated Server Handbook updated

The Dedicated Server Handbook by Issac G that explains how to setup a dedicated server using Webmin has been updated to a second edition, and is available from




With the domestic wireless networks (IEEE 802.11) devices proliferate, wireless network security issues become the focus of attention. Beini is used for wireless network security assessment of a system.

Beini:A wireless network security testing system,it is based on Tiny Core Linux.

FeedingBottle:Aircrack-ng's GUI on Beini.


2011-02-27 Beini-1.2.2

--- Updated Aircrack-ng to 1.1r1859

--- Updated FeedingBottle to 3.2: generate *.wkp file directly when get handshake packets (EWSA3.x project file)

--- Added driver x_ath9k_htc_compat-wireless-2.6.38-rc4-1.tce:AR9271 chips supported

--- Added firmware.tcz:updated RT3070 firmware and more

--- File Manager:Removed ROX-Filer(libglade.tczl,libxml2.tczl,rox-filer_root.tcz,shared-mime-info.tcz),Added Xfe(xfe.tcz,xfe-locale.tcz,fox.tcz,Xorg-7.5-lib.tcz)