Thursday, June 28, 2012

Image Resizer Power Toy

With digital cameras and mobile phones going over many mega pixels, the image size is largely increased making the photos taken using digital cameras to above 5MB. Sharing photos with your friends might not be possible with such huge sizes. Image Resizer Power Toy which was previously available for Windows XP has been written for Vista and Windows 7 with support for 64bit editions. The new version is developed in C++ by guys at Codeplex. This free tool will help you resize images using the right click menu. Once installed, the tool will add an entry to Windows Explorer context menu.
Image Resizer
When you select resize pictures option, the tool provides you with different sizes available for resize. You can select predefined size or a custom size and the tool also provides you with option to either resize the original image or create a new image which is resized.
Options for Resize
With this tool, you can share images with your friends, email them or even use it on social networking size. This tool is compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7, 32 bit and 64 bit machines.
Thanks Windows Club for the tip.
Download Image Resizer for Windows 7

Friday, June 22, 2012

Conoce al IBM Sequoia

El website Top 500 publicó por primera vez desde noviembre del 2009 la primera supercompuadora en Estados Unidos que ocupa la primera posición entre los sistemas de computadora más potentes del mundo. La supercomputadora se encuentra en el Laboratorio Nacional Lawrence Livermor,  un centro de investigación del Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos. Esta obra maestra del mundo moderno se llama BlueGene/Q de IBM.   Este monstruo de las computadoras  dispone de 1,572,865 cores y cuenta con una potencia de cálculo de 16.32 petaflops por segundo. Supera ampliamente a su más inmediato perseguidor en la lista, el K Computer de Fujitsu, que está instalado en el Instituto Avanzado RIKEN para la Ciencia Computacional de Kobe y ofrece un rendimiento de 10.51 petaflops por segundo.   El supercomputador Mira, basado también en el sistema BlueGene/Q de IBM pero con “tan solo” 786,432 procesadores, ocupa la tercera posición con 8.15 petaflops por segundo. Luego viene el SuperMUC, la primera supercomputadora de Europa, con 2.89 petaflops por segundo.   Estados Unidos es, con 3 supercomputadoras, el país con más representantes en este top 10, seguido de Alemania y China con 2, mientras que Japón, Italia y Francia aparecen una vez. En cuanto a los fabricantes, el dominio de IBM es abrumador, dado que la mitad de los equipos han sido concebidos en sus instalaciones. Fujitsu, NUDT, Cray Inc, Bull y Dawning se reparten el resto de plazas.

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Monday, June 11, 2012



NetStumbler (also known as Network Stumbler) is a tool for Windows that facilitates detection of Wireless LANs using the 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g WLAN standards. It runs on Microsoft Windows 98 and above. A trimmed-down version called MiniStumbler is available for Windows CE.
NetStumbler is commonly used for:
  • Wardriving
  • Verifying network configurations
  • Finding locations with poor coverage in one’s WLAN
  • Detecting causes of wireless interference
  • Detecting unauthorized (“rogue”) access points
  • Aiming directional antennas for long-haul WLAN links


Powerful Multi-Platform Analysis

Ethereal® is used by network professionals around the world for troubleshooting, analysis, software and protocol development, and education. It has all of the standard features you would expect in a protocol analyzer, and several features not seen in any other product. Its open source license allows talented experts in the networking community to add enhancements. It runs on all popular computing platforms, including Unix, Linux, and Windows.


Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and (with appropriate hardware) can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, and 802.11n traffic. Kismet also supports plugins which allow sniffing other media such as DECT.

Kismet identifies networks by passively collecting packets and detecting standard named networks, detecting (and given time, decloaking) hidden networks, and infering the presence of nonbeaconing networks via data traffic.

Microsoft Safety Scanner

Microsoft Safety Scanner

Do you think your PC has a virus?
The Microsoft Safety Scanner is a free downloadable security tool that provides on-demand scanning and helps remove viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. It works with your existing antivirus software.
Note: The Microsoft Safety Scanner expires 10 days after being downloaded. To rerun a scan with the latest anti-malware definitions, download and run the Microsoft Safety Scanner again.
The Microsoft Safety Scanner is not a replacement for using an antivirus software program that provides ongoing protection.
For real-time protection that helps to guard your home or small business PCs against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software, download Microsoft Security Essentials.

Have a safer PC and web browsing experience

Microsoft Security Essentials
Genuine Windows customers get a complimentary subscription to Microsoft Security Essentials, the award-winning antivirus software that helps you protect your PC.
Internet Explorer
Get the latest version of Microsoft's more secure browser with SmartScreen Filter, which helps you avoid socially engineered malware phishing Web sites and online fraud when browsing the Web.
Windows Live
With Windows Live Family Safety, you can help keep your kids safer on the Internet with rules you personalize. You also can get tools to help monitor what they are doing online.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

SDM Cisco Security Device Manager

Simplify Router Deployments and Management

Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) is a Web-based device-management tool for Cisco routers that can improve the productivity of network managers, simplify router deployments, and help troubleshoot complex network and VPN connectivity issues.
If you are using a Cisco Integrated Services Router (ISR), download Cisco Configuration Professional for free. It includes all Cisco SDM features and adds support for Unified Communications.
Cisco SDM supports a wide range of Cisco IOS Software releases and is available free of charge on Cisco router models from Cisco 830 Series to Cisco 7301. It ships preinstalled on all new Cisco 850 Series, Cisco 870 Series, Cisco 1800 Series, Cisco 2800 Series, and Cisco 3800 Series integrated services routers.
Network and security administrators and channel partners can use Cisco SDM for faster and easier deployment of Cisco routers for integrated services such as dynamic routing, WAN access, WLAN, firewall, VPN, SSL VPN, IPS, and QoS.
Reduce Total Cost of Ownership
Cisco customers can reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) of their Cisco routers by relying on Cisco SDM-generated configurations already approved by the Cisco TAC. Configuration checks built into Cisco SDM reduce errors. SDM also helps customers avoid potential network issues by proactively monitoring router performance statistics, system logs, and firewall logs in real time.
Cisco SDM offers smart wizards and advanced configuration support for LAN and WAN interfaces, Network Address Translation (NAT), stateful and application firewall policy, IPS, IPSec VPN, QoS, and NAC policy features. The firewall wizard allows a single-step deployment of high, medium, or low firewall policy settings. Cisco SDM also offers a one-click router lockdown and an innovative security auditing capability to check and recommend changes to router configuration based on ICSA Labs and Cisco TAC recommendations.
Cisco SDM is a valuable productivity-enhancing tool for businesses and channel partners and allows them to implement router security and network configurations with reduced cost and increased confidence and ease.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

‘Flame’ la madre de los malwares

“Flame”, el nuevo malware puede supervisar los usuarios de computadoras por tomar imágenes de su correo electrónico o las conversaciones de mensajería instantánea. “Puede grabar sus conversaciones de audio desde un micrófono interno o a través de Skype. Y puede utilizar tecnología Bluetooth para robar datos sobre dispositivos ubicados cerca del equipo infectado”, aseguró Alexander Gostev, un investigador de la firma de seguridad rusa Kaspersky Lab.
Gostev dijo en su post que el malware fue diseñado para “sistemáticamente recopilar información sobre las operaciones de ciertos Estados de la nación en el Medio Oriente”. Hasta ahora, las víctimas más frecuentes del malware han sido ubicadas en Irán, pero también ha habido víctimas en Líbano, Sudán, Siria, Egipto y Emiratos Árabes Unidos.
Gostev agregó que los creadores de ‘Falme’ parecen estar buscando cualquier tipo de inteligencia–correos electrónicos, documentos, mensajes y debates dentro de lugares sensibles. Los creadores siguen siendo desconocidos, pero el malware parece ser parte de una campaña de espionaje dirigido por el Gobierno, dicen los expertos.
“Flame fácilmente puede describirse como una de las amenazas más complejas jamás descubiertas,” dijo Gostev. “Es increíblemente sofisticada y grandes. Bastante redefine la noción de ciberguerra y cyberespionage.”
El malware también puede ocultar dentro de programas aparentemente inofensivos y puede crear “puertas traseras” que permiten a los hackers a entrar en la red de computadoras infectadas en cualquier momento, dijo Gostev. Hasta ahora, la propagación de Flame ha sido relativamente pequeña–se han reportado infecciones menos de 400, cerca de la mitad de ellos procedentes de Irán, según Kaspersky Lab.

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