Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Description(Top/Haut de page)

Tftpd32 is a free, opensource IPv6 ready application which includes DHCP, TFTP, DNS, SNTP and Syslog servers as well as a TFTP client.
The TFTP client and server are fully compatible with TFTP option support (tsize, blocksize and timeout), which allow the maximum performance when transferring the data.
Some extended features such as directory facility, security tuning, interface filtering; progress bars and early acknowledgments enhance usefulness and throughput of the TFTP protocol for both client and server.
The included DHCP server provides unlimited automatic or static IP address assignment.

Tftpd32 is also provided as a Windows service.
Tftpd64 is the same application compiled as a 64 bits application.

Tftpd screenshot

Tftpd32 est une application opensource qui embarque des serveurs TFTP, DHCP, DNS, SNTP et Syslog (ouf !), ainsi qu'un client TFTP. La partie TFTP est compatible avec les négotiations du protocole TFTP pour obtenir de meilleures performances. De plus; des apports ont été inclus pour augmenter le confort d'utilisation et les performances du protocole. Quant au serveur DHCP, il permet d'affecter des adresses IP soit de manière statique, soit automatiquement.

Download :

tftp server and service

Go to the Forum :

to boot-land (external link)

Monday, July 16, 2012

TFTP Server

On this page you can download free trial version of TFTP Server for Windows. You are free to use the trial version of TFTP Server within 30 days (we think it is a sufficient amount of time to estimate the true value of the product and to make a decision on their purchase). If you decide to use TFTP Server after the 30-day period, you should register them. Feel free to contact us with any problems or questions at: support@winagents.com.

Download WinAgents TFTP Server for Windows
Self-extracting .exe (4.65MB)

Download WinAgents TFTP Client
Application .exe file (92KB)

Download WinAgents TFTP ActiveX Control Demo
ZIP Package (311KB)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Get the best open-source Wi-Fi scanning software – for Free!
Download inSSIDer
see full-size screenshot below
– Inspect your Wi-Fi and surrounding networks
– Scan and filter hundreds of nearby access points
– Troubleshoot competing access points and clogged Wi-Fi channels
– Highlight access points for areas with high Wi-Fi concentration
– Track the strength of received signals in dBm over time
– Sort results by MAC Address, SSID, Channel, RSSI, Time Last Seen
– Export Wi-Fi and GPS data to a KML file in Google Earth
– Uses your current wireless card and connection software
– Works with Windows XP, Vista, and 7 (32 and 64 bit)
– Compatible with most GPS devices (NMEA v2.3 +)

version 2.1 update:
Improves Filters
- Include or Exclude SSID or Vendor
- Channels
- Network
- Security
Improves Design
- Active network is now bolded
- Improved color pallet