Thursday, November 12, 2009

VMware Player

VMware Player is the easiest way to run multiple operating systems at the same time on your PC. With its user-friendly interface, VMware Player makes it effortless for anyone to try out Windows 7 or the latest Linux releases, or create isolated virtual machines to safely test new software and surf the Web. VMware Player can also be used to run a virtual copy of an old PC so that you can recycle the old machines you have under your desk or stored in the closet.

Easiest Way to Play with Virtualization

VMware Player allows anyone to try new operating systems without rebooting your PC to switch between them.

Easy Install makes creating virtual machines with the latest 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and Linux operating systems easier than installing them directly on your PC. Run over 200 supported operating systems including Windows 7, Ubuntu 9.04, and many other versions of Windows, Linux, and more.

Better than Windows XP Mode

Run Windows XP virtual machines with better graphics, faster performance, and tighter integration than Windows XP mode offers. With Unity, shared folders and drag and drop convenience, VMware Player is the better way to run Windows XP on Windows 7. Use VMware vCenter Converter to transform your existing Windows PC into a virtual machine and eliminate the need to re-install and re-configure your existing applications which is necessary with Windows XP Mode.

Safest Way to Try New Software

Run corporate virtual machines, experiment with new operating systems, or safely try and test new software in an isolated environment on your PC. VMware Player is the ideal way to try out a virtual appliance. Virtual appliances are pre-built, pre-configured and ready-to-run enterprise software applications packaged along with an operating system in a virtual machine. Quickly and easily experience the benefits of these applications without the installation or configuration hassles.

Most Advanced Virtualization Platform

Built on over 10 years of virtualization excellence, run the most demanding applications with VMware Player’s advanced memory and CPU management technology. Run 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems with up to four virtual CPUs and 32GB of RAM dedicated to each virtual machine. Driverless printing makes your PC printers automatically accessible to your Windows and Linux virtual machines—no configuration or drivers required.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Windows xp Mode

Windows XP Mode and Windows Virtual PC, available on Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate, allow you to run multiple Windows environments, such as Windows XP Mode, from your Windows 7 desktop.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


The cross-platform open-source multimedia framework, player and server
VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player and multimedia framework capable of reading most audio and video formats (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, DivX, MPEG-1, mp3, ogg, aac ...) as well as DVDs, Audio CDs VCDs, and various streaming protocols. See the full features list.
It can also be used as a media converter or a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on networks.

If you like VLC, please rate it on the Freshmeat, versiontracker or AlternativeTo entries!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


JDownloader is open source, platform independent and written completely in Java. It simplifies downloading files from One-Click-Hosters like or - not only for users with a premium account but also for users who don't pay. It offers downloading in multiple paralell streams, captcha recognition, automatical file extraction and much more. Of course, JDownloader is absolutely free of charge. Additionally, many "link encryption" sites are supported - so you just paste the "encrypted" links and JD does the rest. JDownloader can import CCF, RSDF and the new DLC files.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Fedora 11

¿Qué hay de nuevo en Fedora 11? Lea las notas del lanzamiento. >>

Fedora es un sistema operativo basado en Linux que incluye lo último en software libre y de código abierto. Fedora es siempre gratis para que cualquiera lo use, modifique o distribuya. Lo construye gente alrededor del mundo que trabajan juntos como una comunidad: el Proyecto Fedora. El Proyecto Fedora es abierto y todos son bienvenidos.

El Proyecto Fedora le provee a Ud. el más avanzado contenido y software libre y de código abierto


Monday, September 14, 2009

Spyware Terminator

¿Tiene Spyware? ¡Obtenga Protección Gratuita!

Spyware es un software que puede presentarle anuncios, recopilar su información personal, o cambiar las configuraciones de su computadora sin su consentimiento. Leer más aquí »

¿Estoy en riesgo de recibir spyware?

Si, todo el mundo está en riesgo de perder su privacidad y recibir daños serios en sus computadoras.

¡Pero, no se preocupe! Spyware Terminator le protegerá.



Tuesday, September 1, 2009


UltraVNC Released !.

UltraVNC is a powerful, easy to use and free software that can display the screen of another computer (via internet or network) on your own screen. The program allows you to use your mouse and keyboard to control the other PC remotely. It means that you can work on a remote computer, as if you were sitting in front of it, right from your current location. If you provide computer support, you can quickly access your customer's computers from anywhere in the world and resolve helpdesk issues remotely! With addons like SingleClick your customers don't even have to pre-install software or execute complex procedures to get remote helpdesk support.

Key features: File transfer, Video driver, Optional Encryption Plugins, MS Logon, Text chat, Viewer Toolbar, Java Viewer with File Transfer , as well as Auto scaling and Server Side Scaling, Multiple-Monitors-support,Repeater/Proxy-support, Auto reconnection, good performances and tons of other functionalities..

Addons: Repeater , SingleClick generator and NATtoNAT connectors , that help you to easily handle the most complex connection situations..

UltraVNC runs under Windows operating systems (95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003...). Its embedded Java Viewer allows you to connect (and make File transfers) from a simple Web Browser on any Operating system supporting Java (Linux, Mac OS...) to an UltraVNC server.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ammyy Admin

Ammyy Admin is a highly reliable and very friendly tool for remote computer access. You can provide remote assistance, remote administration or remote teaching for your clients, employees and friends regardless of their location. Ammyy Admin connects remote computers within seconds without any installation or configuration. You can view and/or control (using your keyboard and mouse) any applications running on the remote computers.

How to use (quick guide)
"Operator" will see your computer display Operator
You'll see the display of "Client"
1.Say your ID to "Operator" 1.Click to the "Operator" tab
2.Press the "Start" button 2.Enter the client ID and press the "Connect" button
3.Press the "Accept" button, when an operator is connecting

Key Features
Access computers from anywhere

Instant remote computer access

No installation required

Remote administration of unattended servers

Maximum security

Support Microsoft RDP

Voice chat
Free for non-commercial use!

Transfer files either direction

No need real IP adress and port forwarding setup

Firewall friendly

Support HTTPs proxy (100% secure connection)

Full compatibility with Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008, 32-bit and 64-bit


Sunday, August 16, 2009

El día en el que el tío Bill salvó a Apple

Ayer se cumplieron doce años de la famosa aparición de Bill Gates en la pantalla gigante de la MacWorld Expo detrás de Steve Jobs para anunciar la compra de 150 millones de dólares en acciones para contribuir a salvar a Apple. La imagen gigante del entonces enemigo acerrimo de Apple empequeñeciendo a Jobs y anunciando que iba a proporcionar un chaleco salvavidas para Apple, cobra en estos tiempos de crisis un interesante significado, con Apple viento en popa y Microsoft bajando ingresos.

En la MacWorld Expo de Boston, el 6 de agosto de 1997, se vivieron emociones contradictorias, se pudieron escuchar abucheos, aplausos, gritos de apoyo, silencios tensos… Concurrieron dos acontecimientos importantes para la historia de Apple. Por un lado retornaba el hijo pródigo. Steve Jobs, que había sido apartado en 1985 de la directiva de la compañía, volvía para dar esperanzas con un plan de recuperación ambicioso.

En pleno show en el que los aficionados celebraba su reaparición como posible salvador, Jobs comenzó a hablar de Microsoft, ante la sorpresa y el rechazo de algunos. Y entonces dijo "Necesitamos deshacernos de algunos conceptos. Necesitamos deshacernos del concepto de que para que Apple gane Microsoft tiene que perder". Era el preludio al segundo acontecimiento histórico del día.

Bill Gates aparecía entonces acogido por sonoros abucheos en una pantalla gigante para anunciar a los fans de Apple que su compañía iba a comprar 150 millones de dólares en acciones de Apple sin derecho a voto. La conmoción entre los aficionados fue grande, Bill Gates era la imagen del enemigo natural de Apple y para desconcierto de los asistentes estaba tendiendo un bote salvavidas a una compañía que atravesaba unos difíciles momentos económicos.

Hay que tener en cuenta que en esos momentos el enfrentamiento entre Apple y Microsoft había llegado a los tribunales. Apple había denunciado que Microsoft había copiado elementos del sistema operativo de los ordenadores Mac para incorporarlo a su propio Windows. Las relaciones entre ambas compañías eran más que tensas, hasta que llegó Steve Jobs.

Por parte de Apple el acuerdo suponía el apoyo de la compañía durante cinco años al Office para Mac y la incorporación de Internet Explorer como navegador por defecto, aunque no el único, además de cruce de pantentes y colaboración en el desarrollo Java. Lo que no apareció en la pantalla gigante del palacio de congresos de Boston fue la renuncia de Apple a seguir con el pleito por la apropiación de elementos del sistema por parte de Microsoft.

Como dijeron entonces muchos analistas, Apple necesitaba a Microsoft mucho más de lo que Microsoft necesitaba a Apple. La renuncia al juicio no puede considerarse significativa, pues seguramente Microsoft habría podido llegar a un acuerdo por mucho menos de los 150 millones que invirtió finalmente en la compañía.

Por otra parte el apoyo de Apple al Office e Internet Explorer para Mac, no deja de ser anecdótico para una empresa con la cifra de negocio que manejaba entonces Microsoft. Algunos analistas apuntaron que las autoridades antimonopolio de Estados Unidos estaban apretando las tuercas a Microsoft y que posiblemente la desaparición de Apple le habría traído más problemas que la cuota de mercado que podría arrebatar a Microsoft si sobrevivía.

En cualquier caso no se puede descartar el factor personal. Con el tiempo hemos sabido que Steve Jobs y Bill Gates se respetan, incluso se admiran. En una entrevista conjunta en All Things Done, los dos personajes se intercambiaron elogios y muestras de admiración.

Es posible que simplemente Steve Jobs se presentara en el despacho de Bill Gates y le dijera "tengo un proyecto, pero necesito ayuda" y que Gates se la ofreciera. Lo que parece seguro por comentarios que se le atribuyen, es que si Steve Ballmer hubiera ocupado ese mismo despacho no hubiera concedido esos 150 millones de dólares.

Esos 150 millones suponían entonces el 6% de las acciones de Apple. Permitieron a Steve Jobs poner en marcha sus proyectos estratégicos como el nuevo iMac, reducir las líneas de producto y cambiar la imagen de la compañía. Es posible que sin ese bote salvavidas de Microsoft no hubiésemos visto nacer iconos como el iMac, el iPod, el iPhone…

Ahora sin embargo el panorama ha cambiado. Apple, gracias entre otras cosas a los cambios que puso en marcha Jobs, se ha convertido en una de las compañías tecnológicas más innovadoras pero también más rentables en estos momentos de crisis. Con respecto al mismo trimestre del año pasado, Apple presentaba a finales de junio unos beneficios un 12 por ciento superiores.

En Microsoft, a la espera del lanzamiento de Windows 7 y del nuevo Office, han acusado el golpe de la crisis y han tenido un descenso de los ingresos de un 17 por ciento respecto al año anterior. No parece factible que se cambien ahora las tornas y que sea Ballmer el que le pida ayuda a Jobs. Los tiempos han cambiado y aunque Ballmer insista en decir que Apple no daña al negocio de Microsoft, no puede uno evitar pensar qué hubiera sido de Microsoft si no hubiera ayudado a Apple.

Mientras su enfrentamiento sigue con golpes recíprocos en los anuncios para televisión, ambas compañías tienen otras cosas de las que preocuparse. Una compañía a la que en 1997 aún le faltaba un año por nacer domina las búsquedas en Internet y amenaza con entrar con fuerza en mercados como el de los navegadores o los sistemas operativos. Google puede convertirse en el enemigo común.

Aquí sentado, junto a mi iPod Touch puedo decir… gracias tío Bill.


Vídeo de la aparición de Bill Gates en la Mac World Expo de 1997

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

YouTube ya está en 3D

Autor: Jorge Martínez Fecha:30/07/2009
Hace unos días os adelantábamos que YouTube experimentaba con vídeos 3D, pues bien, ahora es oficial que YouTube ha puesto a disposición de todos los internautas una serie de vídeos en tres dimensiones a través de YouTube3D. Así, comprobarás qué tienen en común "La casa de cera", "El capitán EO", "Tiburón 3" o "Up", el reciente éxito de Disney.

Todos los vídeos sobre estas películas y muchos más contenidos los podrás encontrar en YouTube3D, pero si además quieres conocer consejos para grabar y colgar tu propio vídeo 3D no te pierdas este enlace. Estos vídeos en tres dimensiones son una función nueva y ya advierten desde YouTube que están perfeccionando algunos detalles (por ejemplo los vídeos en 3D no se pueden insertar en otras webs) y piden la ayuda de sus usuarios para conseguir nuevos vídeos 3D que deberán marcarse con la etiqueta yt3d:enable=true.
Los consejos que da YouTube para grabar vídeos en 3D son que se utilicen dos cámaras colocadas como si fueran nuestros ojos, que se empiece a grabar con las dos cámaras al mismo tiempo y que en el programa de edición de vídeo que usemos situemos el footage para el ojo derecho y el izquierdo juntos en el mismo frame. Por cierto, si has grabado el vídeo en formato widescreen, además de la etiqueta antes mencionada habrá que añadiryt3d:aspect=16:9.
Para cualquier duda o aportación al proyecto, pásate por el foro de YouTube sobre vídeos 3D.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Nero 9 free

Nero 9 - Free version

Nero 9 Free Version

What’s better than free? Free forever! Nero offers you the chance to enjoy Nero’s world-renowned
data disc burning and copying features for an unlimited time, absolutely FREE!

Enjoy basic data burning and copying capabilities for your CDs and DVDs from the world’s most
trusted digital media brand, Nero.

General system requirements

  • ­Windows® XP SP2 or SP3, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, Windows® XP Media Center Edition 2005 with SP2
  • Windows® XP 64 bit, Windows Vista® 64 bit, and Windows® 7 64 bit versions are supported via 32 bit emulation mode.
  • Windows® Internet Explorer® 6.0 or higher.
  • 1 GHz Intel® Pentium® III or equivalent AMD and Intel® processor (2 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 or equivalent AMD and Intel® processor for Windows Vista®), 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM for Windows Vista®).
  • ~270MB hard drive space for a typical installation of all components.
  • ~500MB hard drive space temporary for the installation
  • CD or DVD recordable or rewritable drive for burning.
  • DirectX® 9.0c revision 30 (August 2006) or higher.
  • Up to 9 GB available hard drive space for DVD images and temporary DVD files.
  • Graphics card with at least 32 MB video memory, minimum resolution of 800 x 600 pixels, and 16-bit color settings (24-bit or 32-bit true color is recommended).
  • Installation of the latest WHQL certified device drivers is strongly recommended.
  • For the Nero Online services: Nero product registration, product updates, and other features an Internet connection is required.

Optional Requirements

  • ­16-bit Microsoft® Windows® compatible sound device and speakers Installation of latest WHQL certified device drivers recommended.

Windows 7 News

Windows 7 el software más vendido en Amazon

Cuando aún faltan casi 4 meses para que Windows 7 se ponga oficialmente a la venta, la fiebre hacia el futuro buque insignia de Microsoft se ha desatado. Prueba de ello es que las reservas se han disparado hasta el punto de que los 2 programas más vendidos en la última semana en Amazon son Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade y Windows 7 Professional Upgrade. Ambos packs están pensados para aquellos usuarios que actualmente disponen de una copia de Windows XP o Vista y tienen pensado pasarse a este nuevo sistema operativo. La irrupción de Windows 7 en las listas de los productos más vendidos de los últimos días es consecuencia de la buena acogida que está teniendo el programa de reservas con descuento que ha puesto en marcha Microsoft, que permite hacerse con las ediciones que os he reseñado en el párrafo anterior por $49.99 y $99.99 dólares respectivamente. Las rebajas son muy significativas, ya que en condiciones normales Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade sale por $119.99 dólares y Windows 7 Professional Upgrade por $199.99 dólares. Estas ofertas -por desgracia sólo válidas para residentes en Estados Unidos- tienen fecha de caducidad: el 11 de julio. A partir de entonces, los precios volverán a ser los oficiales. ¿Se animará Microsoft a lanzar más adelante una iniciativa similar en Europa? Quiero pensar que sí, ya que sin ir más lejos, en Japón lo ha hecho y la recepción ha sido igualmente exitosa.
Informacion sacada de

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Zamzom Wireless Network Tool

Entérate de quién usa tu WiFi
Autor: Gustavo de Porcellinis Fecha: 13/07/2009

A veces cuando nuestra conexión no va como debiera nos puede dar por sospechar que la culpa no sea de la conexión, sino que alguien está utilizando nuestra conexión. Enterarnos de si es así es sencillo con Zamzom Wireless Network Tool. Aunque tomemos la precaución de proteger nuestra red inalámbrica con clave WEP, en ocasiones no es suficiente ya que existen formas de romper esa protección. Lo mejor es enterarnos de si alguien está utilizando nuestra red y bloquear sus direcciones IP.
Una inusitada actividad en las luces del router cuando tenemos el ordenador apagado, la conexión que se ralentiza inexplicablemente... Muchas son las pistas que pueden indicarnos que alguien ha podido colarse en nuestra red inalámbrica y está utilizando nuestra conexión. Para asegurarnos podemos utilizar la herramienta Zamzoom Wireless Network Tool.

Se trata de un programa gratuito que podemos descargar de la web del fabricante. Una vez instalado podemos realizar un rastreo superficial (Fast scan) o avanzado (Deep Scan) de los dispositivos que se encuentran conectados a nuestra red inalámbrica. En la ventana del programa podremos ver también el rango de direcciones IP que asigna el router, la dirección IP y MAC de nuestro ordenador y el nombre del mismo.
Una vez realizado el rastreo (el superficial suele ser suficiente) comprobaremos que las direcciones IP que aparecen en la ventana corresponden a los ordenadores de nuestra red. Si localizamos una dirección que corresponda a otro dispositivo, podremos bloquear el acceso en las propiedades del firewall del router utilizando su dirección MAC. La versión avanzada muestra los nombres de los equipos conectados además de su IP.

10 consejos útiles para Facebook
Autor: Antonio Martín Salamanca Fecha: 20/05/2009
Las redes sociales se han convertido en uno de los principales
blancos de los cibercriminales, siendo Facebook una de sus favoritas.
Con estos consejos te ayudamos a no ser tan vulnerable. Con el fin de salvaguardar la información de los usuarios y evitar que se expongan a posibles ataques, Trend Micro ha elaborado un decálogo con los
principales trucos para que el usuario esté protegido.

1. Asegúrate de que estás en la página real de Facebook
Para garantizar la seguridad y privacidad de tu cuenta de Facebook,
nunca escribas una contraseña a menos que estés seguro de
que estás en la web real de Facebook. Para entrar al site, utiliza
tu propio vínculo marcado como favorito o escribe el nombre en tu
navegador. No sigas vínculos a Facebook, incluso si proceden de un amigo.

2. Establece parámetros de privacidad en modo seguro
Dentro de Facebook hay configuraciones de privacidad que permiten
controlar quién ve tu perfil y tu información personal.

3. Usa los parámetros de búsqueda en modo seguro
Dentro de los parámetros de privacidad de Facebook hay ajustes de
búsqueda donde puedes controlar quién puede encontrarlo.
Puedes limitar los parámetros de seguridad a "sólo amigos", reduciendo
la probabilidad de que un criminal lo encuentre. El aspecto negativo de
una mayor seguridad, por supuesto, es que aquellos que no sean ya
sus "amigos" (como por ejemplo los amigos del colegio, de los
que no ha tenido noticias hace mucho tiempo) no lo encuentren.
Por supuesto, tú sí puedes encontrarlos.
También es posible utilizar esta funcionalidad para controlar lo que la
gente puede ver sobre ti, como tu foto del perfil, tu lista de amigos y
otros aspectos. Asimismo, puedes elegir la forma de contactar con aquellos
que te han encontrado tras realizar una búsqueda. Al limitar quién envía
mensajes, puedes reducir la posibilidad de que un cibercriminal envíe
código malicioso.

4. Nunca hagas clic en vínculos desconocidos o sospechosos
Desafortunadamente, tus amigos pueden enviar spam, virus o código
malicioso sin querer a través de Facebook si sus cuentas están
infectadas. Desde Trend Micro se recomienda no hacer clic en
vínculos o archivos adjuntos que no reconozcas y no ejecutar
ningún archivo ".exe" en tu equipo sin saber exactamente qué son y qué hacen.

5. Crea una contraseña segura
Crea una contraseña para Facebook que no esté relacionada con las
contraseñas de las transacciones financieras on-line ni con tus cuentas de correo.

6. Descarga la versión más actual del navegador
El software actualizado del navegador contiene características de seguridad importantes y capacidades de protección. Las versiones actuales de Firefox e Internet Explorer, por ejemplo, advierten si se te has dirigido a un sitio de phishing sospechoso.

7. Sólo descarga aplicaciones de fuentes de confianza
Imagina lo que sucedería si un criminal creara una cuenta falsa y
una aplicación peligrosa, que fuera entonces enviada a los usuarios con
amigos en Facebook. Estos usuarios la enviarían a sus amigos y así
sucesivamente. Para evitar que esto ocurra, visita la sección de
Facebook Application Settings, donde puedes editar las configuraciones atribuidas a esa aplicación. Algunos gusanos de Facebook,
de hecho, roban los contactos de los usuarios para que estos
puedan recibir un vínculo de un "amigo", que en realidad fue
distribuido realmente por un gusano.
Por esta razón, es importante tener cuidado con todas las aplicaciones, incluso aquellas de los "amigos". Leer la descripción de la aplicación antes de instalarla y buscar opiniones en los foros sobre la aplicación para ver lo que otros piensan es fundamental. Si tienes sospechas, escribe el nombre de la aplicación en un motor de búsqueda y comprueba la documentación. Finalmente, si no utilizas la aplicación, elimínala.

8. No divulgues información personal
En los últimos meses, la popular nota "25 Cosas Sobre Usted" circulaba
en Facebook. Ésta solicitaba a los receptores que estaban
etiquetados dentro de una nota responder un cuestionario
enumerando 25 cosas sobre ellos. Si bien esta nota
probablemente era inofensiva, hay que tener cuidado de cualquier nota o solicitud de información personal.

9. Si crees que tu cuenta en Facebook está comprometida, cambia su contraseña
Si crees que puedes haber instalado una aplicación sospechosa tras
hacer clic a un enlace malicioso o si sospechas que alguien puede
haber entrado en tu cuenta, cambia de inmediato tu contraseña,
notifícalo a Facebook y realiza un análisis completo anti-malware en
tu ordenador.

10. Mantén siempre actualizado tu software anti-malware
Instala y ejecuta software de seguridad actualizado.

noticia de

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Foxit Reader 3.0 for Windows

An exclusive small and fast PDF Reader!

As a small and fast PDF viewer, Foxit Reader currently has over 50 million users all around the world. After keeping users waiting for almost two months, Foxit Reader 3.0 has been released and introduces many fascinating new features such as multimedia design and Foxit OnDemand Content Management. To learn more about this new release.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Free Edition » back to top

NEW: Creating physical image files.
NEW: Running on Windows XP/Vista/Server now.
NEW: Automatical upsizing during copying with AutoExpand.

The Free Edition of HDClone clones an entire hard disk to another, larger medium. Use it for migrating an existing installation to a new hard disk or for rescuing data. The Free Edition is real freeware without obligation to buy and is intended for the short-term usage at no cost. In case of more frequent usage, we recommend using one of the higher editions since they offer higher performance, support for a wider range of hardware, and additional options which are optimized for regular or professional use.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Microsoft Security Essentials

About Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.

Microsoft Security Essentials is a free* download from Microsoft that is simple to install, easy to use, and always kept up to date so you can be assured your PC is protected by the latest technology. It’s easy to tell if your PC is secure — when you’re green, you’re good. It’s that simple.

Microsoft Security Essentials runs quietly and efficiently in the background so that you are free to use your Windows-based PC the way you want—without interruptions or long computer wait times.

Learn more at the Microsoft Malware Protection Center

Find information, definitions, and analyses of all the latest threats that Microsoft Security Essentials can help protect you against in the Microsoft Malware Protection Center.

Need security for your business?
Microsoft Security Essentials is available for small businesses with up to 10 PCs. If your business has more than 10 PCs, you can protect your computers with Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection.

*Your PC must run genuine Windows to install Microsoft Security Essentials. Learn more about genuine

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Readon TV Movie Radio Player

Readon TV Movie Radio Player es un programa que te permite observar emisiones de TV por satelite y las últimas películas directamente desde tu computador. Sin necesidad de equipo adicional tendrás acceso a un nuevo mundo de entretenimiento digital.

Con éste programa podrás observar miles de estaciones de todo el mundo, canales de deporte en vivo, grabar música online a mp3, grabar TV en formato de video asf y mucho más!

Nota: Contiene canales para adultos, que pueden ser bloqueados y luego habilitados mediante contraseña.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Why BearShare 8 is the best?

  • Unlimited music downloads!
  • iPod and MP3 players support!
  • Make new friends and connect with old ones.
  • Share, Discover and Download music and videos.
  • View other users' profiles, photos and music library.
  • Connect with users that share a passion for the same artists.

Friday, June 19, 2009


What is BartPE and PE Builder?

Bart's PE Builder helps you build a "BartPE" (Bart Preinstalled Environment) bootable Windows CD-Rom or DVD from the original Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 installation/setup CD, very suitable for PC maintenance tasks.

It will give you a complete Win32 environment with network support, a graphical user interface (800x600) and FAT/NTFS/CDFS filesystem support. Very handy for burn-in testing systems with no OS, rescuing files to a network share, virus scan and so on.
This will replace any Dos bootdisk in no time!


PE Builder is not a Microsoft product and does not create Microsoft Windows Preinstallation Environment ("Windows PE"). Using PE Builder does not grant you a license to Microsoft Windows PE or to use the Windows XP or Server 2003 binaries in a manner other than stated in the End-User License Agreement included in your version of Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. Microsoft has not reviewed or tested PE Builder and does not endorse its use.

Please do not contact Microsoft for support on the preinstallation environment that has been created by PE Builder!
Microsoft does not provide support for PE Builder or for the preinstallation environment created by PE Builder.

The PE Builder program (pebuilder.exe) runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003/BartPE. It does not run on Windows NT4/ME/9x.

To avoid any confusion, the bootable CD generated by PE Builder should be called by its nickname "BartPE"!

A word from the author

Hi, my name is Bart Lagerweij. I've been creating DOS based boot disks and bootable CD-Roms from Dos 3.x (not sure what year) until 2002. I have created the: Corporate Modboot, Network bootdisk, CD-Rom bootdisk, a hardware independent Dos CD-Rom driver eltorito.sys and lots of other tools needed to boot a PC the way I want it to.

As you can read above I've stopped doing that in 2002. Why? I saw a Windows PE (WinPE) bootable CD-Rom (from Microsoft) in action and I got very, very curious. I knew then as I know now, that in time PE-based solutions will be every PC technicians best friend.
Goodbye to all the good and bad dos-based NTFS utilities! Now we can boot from a CD-Rom and have full read/write access to NTFS volumes!

Here are a few things that are possible with PE and are not possible with any type of dos-based boot disk, even when using network support and ntfsdos:

Accessing very large (>2TB) NTFS volumes or accessing volumes that are not seen by the BIOS, like some fibre channel disks.
Very reliable scanning and cleaning of viruses on NTFS volumes using a "clean boot".
Active Directory support.
Have remote control over other machines, using vnc or remote desktop.

While I was already thinking about what great things this could do, I noticed the end-user license agreement for Microsoft software that is included with Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) 1.2 (eula.txt). In section "1. ELIGIBILITY." it states the following:
..."You may only install and use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT if you are an active Microsoft Software Assurance Member ("SAM") for the systems product pool or servers product pool, if you currently have license coverage for Microsoft Windows operating system (OS) Upgrades via a Campus Agreement or School Agreement, or if you are a current or former participant in the Windows XP Joint Development Program, Windows XP Rapid Adoption Program, Windows .NET Server Joint Development Program, or Windows .NET Server Rapid Adoption Program. If you do not meet one or more of the requirements listed above, you may not install or use this SOFTWARE PRODUCT and you must terminate the installation of this SOFTWARE PRODUCT immediately"...

Oops, that does not include me. As a matter of fact that does not include most of us! This was very disappointing. But then I started thinking, how difficult can it be to build something similar to Windows PE from a Windows XP installation CD-Rom? A quick file compare looked like most of the needed files are on the Windows XP CD-Rom. Only because I thought building this would be easy, I started coding my own builder program. Had I known how hard it would be, I would probably never have started programming PE Builder.
This first version (v1.0.0) of PE Builder was released on April 28, 2003. Yes, version 1 was a very simple, very static, very bad and copyright violating program. And the (very friendly) people at Microsoft had every right to kick my butt. But I learned from it and in May 2003 I started on a second version. In July (three months later) v2 was ready.
Version 2 did not have the problems that version 1 had. The version 2 build engine had its own registry hive builder which was not easy to program and took about 50% of my research and coding time. It also was dynamic enough that it could build from Windows XP and Server 2003. In v2.0.1 I added a small but very powerful menu program called nu2menu, which was written by my buddy Henk de Jong. The latest 2 version (v2.0.2b) even used a new ISO filesystem called "ISO-9660:1999 (version 2)" instead of the Joliet extensions. Some non-English versions of Windows XP had filenames longer than the maximum allowed length for Joliet filenames (103 chars). I had to patch the ISO building program (mkisofs.exe) so that the Windows NT bootstrap and setup loader would boot properly. The file and directory names can now be up to 207 characters. But again this version had something bad. When comparing some INF files they looked too much like the Windows PE builder from Microsoft.

I had to change the entire INF file layout to use its own format. And on Sep 1, 2003 (almost 6 months after starting) version 3 was ready. After adding plugin support, PE Builder got very popular. People from all over the world are writing their own plugins to add the program they like and use.

BartPE vs. Windows PE?
BartPE is not supported by Microsoft. Windows PE is an official Microsoft product.
BartPE has a graphical user interface. Windows PE has a command line interface.
The tools needed to make a BartPE installation are free software. Windows PE is available only to Microsoft OEM users.
BartPE allows unlimited custom plugins. Windows PE has a limited range of plugins options.
What is the technical difference between BartPE and Windows PE?
Target - Microsoft sees Windows PE as an installation platform. Bart sees Windows PE as the next generation rescue platform.
Start-menu - Bart's builder gives you a simple, dynamic and powerful start-menu (Nu2Menu, see screenshots). Microsoft's builder does not give you a start-menu, it uses a command prompt.
Build from - Bart's builder can also build from Windows XP Home Edition or from a preinstalled Windows XP version (without CD).
Plugins - With PE Builder you can easily add applications, drivers or tools using plugins. This makes PE Builder extremely powerful. The end user can even combine plugins from different software vendors into one CD image.

Network support - PE Builder includes its own network support tools (bartpe/penetcfg) to start TCP/IP and Microsoft Client. The TCP/IP settings like: dynamic/static ip-address, subnet-mask, default gateway, dns-servers computer-name, workgroup can be changed on-the-fly. You can create pre-defined profiles, that you can select. Microsoft Windows PE only supports DHCP or fixed settings using winbom.ini.
Also there is a plugin (NwDskPe) created by Erwin Veermans that loads the Netware Client on BartPE (IP/IPX).
Fileshare - BartPE can start File Sharing support so you can connect to the system through a share.
VNC - Because of the File Sharing support you can also run UltraVNC.
Dos support - Bart's builder has a plugin called "dospe".
License - Microsoft Windows PE is only for Enterprise/OEM customers (see previous), BartPE is for everybody!
64-Bit - Bart's builder does not support Windows 64-bit editions.
Requirements to build:
The files from your Windows Installation CD-Rom.
Supported Windows versions are:

Windows XP Home Edition (must be slip streamed with Service Pack 1 or higher)
Windows XP Professional (must be slip streamed with Service Pack 1 or higher)
Windows Server 2003, Web Edition
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
PE Builder runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003/BartPE systems.
CD/DVD writer if you want to creat a bootable CD/DVD.
Why did I build PE Builder?

Microsoft only provides Windows PE to OEM and Enterprise customers. So the small companies and end users do not get Windows PE. I think this is really bad. With PE Builder they can build a Bootable XP CD-Rom (called BartPE) to use for maintaining their systems.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Bing (anteriormente Live Search, Windows Live Search y MSN Search) con nombre código Kumo es el nombre del buscador web de Microsoft, estaba diseñado para competir con los líderes de la industria Google y Yahoo!. Presentado por el CEO de Microsoft, Steve Ballmer en el 2009 , el 28 de mayo en la Conferencia D en San Diego, Bing es el sustituto de Live Search, y fue totalmente puesto en línea el 3 de junio del 2009.

Cambios notables incluyen la adición de búsquedas relacionadas (llamado "Explorador" en el lado izquierdo de resultados de búsqueda), basada en tecnología semántica de PowerSet , adquirido por Microsoft a una empresa de búsqueda en el 2008 , buscar sugerencias como tipo y la capacidad de realizar un seguimiento de su historial de búsqueda.

Productos de búsqueda [editar]Además de buscar páginas Web, se incluyen otros servicios de Bing

Bing Shopping
Bing Club
Bing Travel
Bing Health
Bing Images
Bing Maps
Bing News
Bing Video
Bing xRank
Bing Translator
Bing Local

Thursday, June 4, 2009


What is a Pandora station?

A Pandora station is a personalized stream of music, based on one or more artist names or song titles of your choice. Working from the massive collection of music analyzed in the Music Genome Project, your Pandora station will explore a particular corner of the musical universe based on your station's starting points.

Each Pandora station is completely unique to you-- no two Pandora stations are ever exactly alike, even if they're based on the exact same artist or song.

This is because you can further customize each of your stations in several ways. You can give direct feedback in the form of a "Thumbs Up" or a "Thumbs Down," which will tell Pandora to play that song more often-- or not to play it again. Also, you can add more artist names or song titles to broaden your station and explore a theme, such as different styles, subgenres and eras of music.

For more information on how to create a Pandora station, click here.

How many Pandora stations am I allowed to have?

You can have up to 100 stations at any one time [plus one QuickMix].

Once you reach the maximum number of stations you have to delete a station before you can add another one.

For more information on on how to create a Pandora station, please click here.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

CPU-Z utility

CPU-Z is a freeware that gathers information on some of the main devices of your system.

Name and number.
Core stepping and process.
Core voltage.
Internal and external clocks, clock multiplier.
Supported instructions sets.
Cache information.
Vendor, model and revision.
BIOS model and date.
Chipset (northbridge and southbridge) and sensor.
Graphic interface.
Frequency and timings.
Module(s) specification using SPD (Serial Presence Detect) : vendor, serial number, timings table.
Windows and DirectX version.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Notable Changes in Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Vista SP2

Notable Changes in Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Vista SP2

Updated: April 28, 2009

Applies To: Windows Server 2008,Windows Vista

Microsoft® continuously improves the Windows Vista® and Windows Server® 2008 operating systems by providing ongoing updates while working with software and hardware vendors to help them deliver improved compatibility, reliability, and performance. These updates are provided to customers by Microsoft’s hardware and software partners, as well as directly from Microsoft in the form of regularly distributed updates delivered via Windows Update. Updates to Windows are also delivered directly to some affected customers and preinstalled by computer manufacturers.

Windows Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2 are updates to Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 that address feedback from our customers and partners. By providing these fixes integrated into a single service pack, which will be thoroughly tested by Microsoft and by industry partners and customers during the pre-release cycle, Microsoft provides a single high-quality update that minimizes deployment and testing complexity for customers.

In addition to all previously released updates, SP2 will contain changes focused on supporting new types of hardware and adding support for several emerging standards. SP2 will also continue to make it easier for IT administrators to deploy and manage large installations of Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

This document describes the notable changes in the Windows Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2 release. For a complete list of all the hotfixes and security updates in SP2, see Hotfixes and Security Updates in Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Vista SP2. Note that many of the updates listed are already publically available and have been released via the Microsoft Download Center or Windows Update.

Organizations do not need to wait for SP2 to deploy Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008; we encourage them to begin their Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008 evaluation and deployment now.
Setup prerequisites

There are only two prerequisites for installing SP2:

* Your operating system, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista must have Service Pack 1 installed.

Windows Server 2008 shipped with Service Pack 1 built in.

* Users updating through Windows Update/WSUS must install an update to the servicing stack (described in knowledge base article 955430) that handles installation and removal of software updates, language packs, and optional Windows features. This update is necessary to successfully install and uninstall the service pack; it also improves the performance and reliability of the service pack installation. This update may require a reboot and is part of the standalone update package. It will be offered as a separate package on Windows Update. Users installing SP2 in standalone format will have this update built-in

Service Pack 2 size

In order to make the improvements detailed in this document, individual files and components have been updated. Also, the language-neutral design of Windows necessitates that the service pack be able to update any possible combination of the basic languages supported by Windows Vista with a single installer, so language files for the 36 basic languages are included in the standalone installer.

These features result in a large stand-alone package, which is the delivery vehicle typically used by system administrators. However, most home and small business users will receive SP2 through Windows Update, which utilizes an efficient transfer mechanism to download only the actual bytes that are changed, resulting in an approximately 43 megabyte (MB) download. This is similar in size to many common software and driver updates that are delivered by other software vendors over the internet, and therefore should not cause issues for most customers.

Application compatibility improvements

Thanks to the rich instrumentation capability of Windows operating systems, we are able to understand the types of issues that our customers experience while respecting their personal information and privacy preferences. We use this information to focus improvements in Windows, but we also share this information with our software vendor partners to help improve the reliability and compatibility of non-Microsoft applications. For example, in SP2, Spysweeper and ZoneAlarm, now work with POP3 e-mail accounts.

Our goal for SP2 is that applications that are written using public APIs and that run on the Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 operating systems will continue to work as designed.

Microsoft has already released several application compatibility updates which allow more applications to work seamlessly for the end user. These appear in SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, but they are also available through Windows Update. Windows Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2 contain additional application compatibility fixes for individual applications.

For more information about previously released compatibility updates, refer to article 947562 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base
Hardware ecosystem support and enhancements

* SP2 adds support for the 64-bit central processing unit (CPU) from VIA Technologies, which adds the ID and vendor strings for the new VIA 64-bit CPU.

* SP2 integrates the Windows Vista Feature Pack for Wireless, which contains support for Bluetooth v2.1 and Windows Connect Now (WCN) Wi-Fi Configuration. Bluetooth v2.1 is the most recent specification for Bluetooth wireless technology.

* SP2 improves performance for Wi-Fi connections after resuming from sleep mode.

* SP2 includes updates to the RSS feeds sidebar for improved performance and responsiveness.

* SP2 includes ability to record data to Blu-Ray Disc media.

Operating system experience updates

* SP2 includes Windows Search 4.0, which builds on Microsoft’s search technology with improved indexing and search relevance. It also helps find and preview documents, e-mail (including signed e-mail messages), music files, photos, and other items on the computer. The search engine in Windows Search 4.0 is a Microsoft Windows® service that is also used by programs such as Microsoft Office Outlook® 2007 and Microsoft Office OneNote® 2007. Autotuning Diagnostics in SP2 now interprets current network conditions when implementing Windows scaling. This feature includes full netsh support.

* SP2 improves Windows Media Center (WMC) in the area of content protection for TV.

* SP2 removes the limit of 10 half open outbound TCP connections. By default, SP2 has no limit on the number of half open outbound TCP connections.

Enterprise improvements

* SP2 provides the Hyper-V virtualization environment as a fully integrated feature of Windows Server 2008, including one free instance with Windows Server 2008 Standard, four free instances with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise and an unlimited number of free instances with Windows Server 2008 Datacenter.

* SP2 increases the authentication options for WebDAV redirector, enabling Microsoft Office users greater flexibility when authenticating custom applications using the WebDAV redirector.

* SP2 provides an improved power management (both on the server and the desktop), which includes the ability to manage these settings via Group Policy.

* SP2 improves backwards compatibility for Terminal Server license keys. Windows Server 2008 changed the licensing key from 512 bytes to 2,048 bytes which caused clients using older Terminal Server versions to fail. SP2 allows legacy license keys on Citrix applications to work with Windows Server 2008 Terminal Server.

Setup and deployment improvements

The SP2 standalone installer:

* Provides a single installer for both Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

* Includes the ability to detect an incompatible driver and either block service pack installation or warn users of any potential loss of functionality.

* Provides better error handling and descriptive error messages where possible.

* Improves manageability through logging in the system event log.

* Provides a secure install experience.

* Includes the ability to service the installer post release.

SP2 also includes a Service Pack Clean-up tool (Compcln.exe) which helps recover the hard disk space by permanently deleting previous versions of files (RTM and SP1) that are being serviced by SP2. The Service Pack Clean up tool can also be run offline while creating slipstream images to reduce the size of the image.

SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 represents Microsoft’s continuing commitment to quality. While most updates contained in SP2 are available as individual downloads, the roll-up convenience of SP2 is a major benefit for administrators. This functionality coupled with new advanced deployment features, such as the single installer and the pre-installation analyzer, means SP2 continues to provide ongoing improvements that our customers have grown to expect from Microsoft. For more detail on SP2’s contents, see Hotfixes and Security Updates in Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Vista SP2.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor

Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor

Before you begin

Before you run the Upgrade Advisor, be sure to plug in any USB devices or other devices such as printers, external hard drives, or scanners that are regularly used with the PC you're evaluating.

Download Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor

Ready to upgrade? Get Windows Vista from the Microsoft Store. Ready to upgrade? Get Windows Vista from the Microsoft Store.

The Upgrade Advisor works with 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista. Review the upgrade options available for earlier versions of Windows.

Make sure your computer is ready for the edition of Windows Vista you want.

The Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor will help you to determine if your Windows XP-based PC can run Windows Vista. You can also use the Upgrade Advisor to determine if your Windows Vista-based PC is ready for an upgrade to a more powerful edition of Windows Vista.

This small software tool will scan your computer and create an easy-to-understand report of all known system, device, and program compatibility issues, and recommend ways to resolve them. Upgrade Advisor can also help you to choose the edition of Windows Vista that best fits the way you want to use your computer.

Just download, install, and run the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor.

Please note:
  • The Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor works with 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista, except Windows Vista Enterprise edition. It will not work with other editions of Windows.

  • The Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor does not collect or send any personal, identifiable data to Microsoft Corporation or third parties. See the Upgrade Advisor privacy statement for details.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Access Developer Extensions

For Microsoft Acces 2007


The Access 2007 Developer Extensions provide packaging and deployment tools and licensing and distribution agreements to make it easier for developers to bring solutions to market. Whether you are working in a small business or a large enterprise, as a third-party or an internal developer, the Access 2007 Developer Extensions can facilitate the deployment and management of Access 2007 solutions.

The Access Developer Extensions include the following components:
  • Package Solution Wizard
    A wizard that creates a Windows Installer Package (MSI) to install your database and any supporting files and optionally includes the Access 2007 Runtime, or prompts the user to download the Access 2007 Runtime.

  • Save As Template
    Enables you to create database templates (ACCDTs) that can be featured in the Access 2007 Getting Started screen.

  • Source Code Control
    Integration with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe or other source code control systems to allow check-in/check-out of queries, forms, reports, macros, modules, and data. You can also see the differences that have been made to your checked out objects.

The Access 2007 Developer Extensions do not include the Property Scanner and the Custom Startup Wizard that were included in previous versions.

The Access 2007 Runtime is also available as a download. For more information, see Access 2007 Download: Access Runtime.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Existen dos formas de ver el mundo. Una es creer que el mundo es estático, y otra que vivimos en un mundo dinámico. Pero para que los cambios no nos sorprendan en la vida, es preciso saber y entender que aunque las cosas sucedan de repente sin mayor explicación, nada de lo que nos rodea en nuestra vida es completamente inmutable. Hoy no es igual que ayer, "todo puede cambiar en cuestion de un segundo" de hecho vivimos en un universo que permite que ocurra este fenómeno tan silencioso. Un segundo antes, una persona era pobre, y un segundo despues es millonario. Algunos cambios son solo cuestion de un simple segundo. Por un segundo podrías salvar tu vida de ser atropellado por un tren enloquecido. Otros cambios parece que exigen algo más de tiempo que ese simple segundo. Verdaderamente guarda un profundo sentido para nuestras vidas que tan solo un único segundo cambie las cosas.

Como ejemplo de las cosas que pasan en el mundo, y que nunca son estáticas, me gustaría enseñaros el ANTES Y EL DESPUES DEL XP. Muchos de vosotros habéis visto el famoso salvapantallas de Windows XP. Bueno, pues como todo, puede ocurrir que las cosas que cambien sean para bien o mal. Eso dependerá desde que perspectiva lo miremos..... Pero siendo el caso de Microsoft, hasta la propia naturaleza parace traicionarle y augurarle un futuro muy poco halagüeño y si no vean y juzguen por ustedes mismos si el Antes y el Despues del XP, no parece decirlo todo.

Monday, April 20, 2009


VDownloader is a powerful tool that can search, download and convert videos from Youtube, Google Video, Metacafe, MySpace, DailyMotion, Pornotube, Yuvutu, and many other similar sites, saving them in AVI or MPG format. It is also a powerful video converter.
Download videos from your favourite video sites.Vdownloader can download and convert videos from the following sites:
  • Youtube (in HD if available)
  • Google Video
  • DailyMotion
  • MySpace
  • Veoh
  • GoFish
  • Netlog
  • Blip TV

  • Porkolt
  • Metacafe
  • 123 Video
  • Bolt
  • Vreel (Beta)
  • Clevver
  • Tudou

  • VSocial
  • Lulu TV
  • Guba
  • HideBehind
  • Dale al Play
  • Yahoo! Video
  • Hispavista
  • Vimeo

VDownloader can also download RTMP streams from the following sites:
  • CBS (US only)
  • RTVE