Thursday, June 4, 2009


What is a Pandora station?

A Pandora station is a personalized stream of music, based on one or more artist names or song titles of your choice. Working from the massive collection of music analyzed in the Music Genome Project, your Pandora station will explore a particular corner of the musical universe based on your station's starting points.

Each Pandora station is completely unique to you-- no two Pandora stations are ever exactly alike, even if they're based on the exact same artist or song.

This is because you can further customize each of your stations in several ways. You can give direct feedback in the form of a "Thumbs Up" or a "Thumbs Down," which will tell Pandora to play that song more often-- or not to play it again. Also, you can add more artist names or song titles to broaden your station and explore a theme, such as different styles, subgenres and eras of music.

For more information on how to create a Pandora station, click here.

How many Pandora stations am I allowed to have?

You can have up to 100 stations at any one time [plus one QuickMix].

Once you reach the maximum number of stations you have to delete a station before you can add another one.

For more information on on how to create a Pandora station, please click here.