Pocket Tera Term version 0.0 for Windows CE 1.01 (Aug. 9, 1999)
The author thinks that Tera Term (Pro) is Year-2000 compliant. If any Year-2000 problem appears, it will be fixed. However, as README.TXT stated, there is no warranty for any kind of problem caused by Tera Term (Pro).
- Serial ports larger than COM4.
- Baud rate of 14400.
- User shortcut key "EditCLS", "EditCLB", "ControlOpenTEK" and "ControlCloseTEK".
- Macro commands "clearscreen", "code2str", "enablekeyb", "filemarkptr", "fileseekback", "filestrseek2", "findclose", "findfirst", "findnext", "getdir", "kmtfinish", "kmtget", "makepath", "sendkcode", "setdir", "setexitcode", "str2code" and "testlink".
- Macro operator "%".
- Macro: a comment can be placed in any line.
- Pass-through printing directly to a port
- Special options in the setup file "AutoFileRename", "BackWrap", "Beep", "EnableStatusLine", "MaxComPort", "PassThruDelay", "PassThruPort", "PrnConvFF", "RussPrint" and "TitleFormat".
- New [Setup] TCP/IP dialog box.
- History list of hosts.
- New Russian character sets (CP 866 and ISO 8859-5).
- New icons.
- Selecting text in a rectangular region.
- Executing menu commands by user defined keys.
- Tera Term extension interface.
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