Sunday, April 7, 2013

Account Lockout and Management Tools

Download tools that you can use to troubleshoot account lockouts, as well as add functionality to Active Directory.


ALTools.exe contains tools that assist you in managing accounts and in troubleshooting account lockouts. Use these tools in conjunction with the Account Passwords and Policies white paper.

ALTools.exe includes:

  • AcctInfo.dll. Helps isolate and troubleshoot account lockouts and to change a user's password on a domain controller in that user's site. It works by adding new property pages to user objects in the Active Directory Users and Computers Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

  • ALockout.dll. On the client computer, helps determine a process or application that is sending wrong credentials.

  • Caution: Do not use this tool on servers that host network applications or services. Also, you should not use ALockout.dll on Exchange servers, because it may prevent the Exchange store from starting.
  • ALoInfo.exe. Displays all user account names and the age of their passwords.

  • EnableKerbLog.vbs. Used as a startup script, allows Kerberos to log on to all your clients that run Windows 2000 and later.

  • EventCombMT.exe. Gathers specific events from event logs of several different machines to one central location.

  • LockoutStatus.exe. Determines all the domain controllers that are involved in a lockout of a user in order to assist in gathering the logs. LockoutStatus.exe uses the NLParse.exe tool to parse Netlogon logs for specific Netlogon return status codes. It directs the output to a comma-separated value (.csv) file that you can sort further, if needed.

  • NLParse.exe. Used to extract and display desired entries from the Netlogon log files.